Discount Woodhaven 3004 51 Planing Sled
If you're like me, you can't justify buying a wide planer or sander for the few times you need it. Our Planing Sled is an affordable solution for surfacing wide stock, resurfacing butcher blocks or workbenches, removing a finish from a surface and other jobs impossible for a planer. Three easy to use models to choose from.
3004 Planing Sled: 51" wide maximum capacity, 60" Ultra Track rails & 32" Double Track rails.
3" tall Ultra Track rails support the router and won't deflect as you move the router back and forth over the stock. Router glides between the Ultra Track rails for front-to-back movement.
You supply two wood rails, 12" to 16" longer than the work. No limit to the length of the work. Double Tracks glide on top of the wood rails and guide the router/Ultra Tracks from side-to-side.
Includes a NoDrill Plate with a quick attach feature so your router can be quickly attached or removed. Optional Drill-Style Plate (3000PD - drilling extra) is available if you prefer a semi-permanent router mount. We can swap this plate for the NoDrill Plate at no charge, or you can buy this plate in addition to the NoDrill Plate.
Works with any router bit you supply that has an overall length of at least 2-1/2". Optional downshear router bit assembly we offer leaves a great surface finish! Cutter (13537) is separate from the arbor (13500) and screws on for easy replacement. 13537 cutter is 1-3/8" in diameter and has a 1/2" cut length. 13500 arbor has a 1/2" shank and is 2-5/8" long. Assembled length of both parts is 3-1/8".
See the Planing Sleds in action on YouTube! 51" wide maximum capacity, 60" Ultra Track rails & 32" Double Track rails Affordable solution for surfacing wide stock and other jobs impossible for a planer Three easy to use and very affordable models to choose from Includes a NoDrill Plate with a quick attach feature so your router can be quickly attached or removed Lifetime guarantee against defects in material or workmanship. Made in the USA! Questions? - Call 800-344-6657.
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